Pat and Clay Christmas Letter 2005

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25 December 2005

Donna and Randy had a Halloween party for GROWN UPs. It was great. They had their new basement with bar, theater with DLP projector, pool table, frig fully stocked, hard stuff, etc. The very heavy horsdoeuvres were everywhere. It was over at 4:30 AM. Pat & Clay left about 10:30 due to old age.

Dawn didn't get to go because she had pins put into her foot the day before and had to stay home. Bill went and took her camera and their photos are much better than the ones Clay took with the camera OFF.

Pat went over several mornings to get her started and Clay did the taxi service after she got able to get back to work.

Lisa gave birth on Nov 7 to Joseph Adam who will be called little "Joey" until he gets old enough to complain. She scheduled the C-section and it worked out great. Pat & Clay (mostly Pat) did some helping out stuff. Becky and Doug (Lisa's parents) got in on Thursday for a helping visit. Clay was beaming about his new little brother.

This year Thanksgiving was at Pat & Clay's home. Dawn's pins were still healing, Donna & Randy's family changed their T-Day schedule around, and Mark & Lisa had a new little bundle to take care of. Bob & Kathy's family came for desert which turned out to be about the time we sat down for our main dinner. Chris got in from Texas and David & Sharon made it too. All had a real good time including setting up the plans for Christmas.

Pat & Clay sat the girls over night so Donna and Randy could go to a company party and they got them to do the Christmas tree decorating. It really doesn't take a lot; just pull the bag off and plug it in; but it was fun. The did the pretzel dunking in the melted chocolate (both brown and white). There was a lot of finger licking.

Pat's birthday was in December. As usual it was celebrated with Greg at Lisa and Mike's pool in late December. This years little "Joey" was the hit of the party.

Again, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Pat and Clay Houston

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